Decapitated Dan

Issue: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Book 3 – End of Days
Creator: Michael Mendheim
Writers: Michael Mendheim, Mike Kennedy, Sean Jaffee
Artist: Simon Bisley
Colors: Chad Fidler
Publisher: Heavy Metal
Release Date: October 2012
Price: $14.95
“The End of Days is the third and the climatic finale in the highly anticipated trilogy from Heavy Metal, illustrated by Simon Bisley. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance as the armies of good and evil face-off in the final battle known as Armageddon.”
Dying Breath: 5.0 out of 5
Sometimes it’s sad to see things come to an end, and this amazing series is one of them. I can not commend the creative team enough for developing one Hell of a an exciting ride, pun intended. This books brings it all to a close, and it does it so beautifully. Of course I have to mention once again how GORE-Geous Bisley’s artwork is. Every panel on every page was a masterpiece, from the fantastic settings to the highly detailed cast. I personally loved his interpretations of the Horsemen, with Famine being my personal favorite. Sadly in the past reviews I never touched on how amazing Fidler’s colors were. His coloring is what adds that extra second to the face slap you receive staring at these pages. If you want to read more about me gushing on the artwork please take a look at my reviews for Book 1 & 2. The writing in Book 3 is amazing, it really brings home this fantastic story. With all of the story building taking place in the first 2 books, this one is non-stop action from start to finish. Of course we were left with a great cliff hanger from Book 2, and this picks up perfectly where that left off. The writing team of Mendheim, Kennedy and Jaffee delivered on all levels with great pacing and terrific dialogue. There was never a moment where things felt rushed or incomplete. This story was presented with a tremendous amount of detail, which had to have taken forever to research. Overall I can’t say you need to pick up Book 3, because you have to pick up the other two first, and you need to do that now. The creative team blew me away, and all I can hope for is that more is going to come. To put it simply, this is horror comic perfection that you need to read.
Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 5.0 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse you can find it at

Decapitated Dan

Issue: Mars Attacks: 50th Anniversary Collection
Writer: Len Brown (Introduction), Zina Saunders (Afterword)
Publisher: Abrams ComicArts
Release Date: October 2012
Price: $19.95
“In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Mars Attacks, this comprehensive book is the first-ever compilation of the infamous science-fiction trading card series produced by Topps in 1962. Edgy, subversive, and darkly comedic, this over-the-top series depicting a Martian invasion of Earth has a loyal following and continues to win new generations of fans. For the first time, this book brings together high-quality reproductions of the entire original series, as well as the hard-to-find sequel from 1994, rare and never-before-seen sketches, concept art, and test market materials. Also included are an introduction by series co-creator Len Brown and an afterword by Zina Saunders, daughter of the original artist, providing an insider’s behind-the-scenes view of the bizarre and compelling world of Mars Attacks.”
Dying Breath: 5.0 out of 5
This book is perfection, I can not sum it up any better than that. Collecting the original trading card series, the second series and some more amazing artwork, this book preserves a fantastic piece of horror history. A huge plus on why this book is so good, is because not only do you get to read the original trading card set, but you also get some commentary about what was going on when the series was created. That commentary had to be my favorite part of this book. Learning about what was allowed to go on this GORE-Geous card set and what wasn’t is often time silly to read by today’s standards. As a designer myself I have to talk about the layout of this book as well. The interiors are clean and crisp. The cards, if scanned, are perfect. The dust jacket is possibly the coolest I have ever seen. Mimicking a pack of the cards, I honestly tried to open it from the back, I thought it was real. Also there is a secret surprise I won’t ruin printed on the book itself under the dust jacket. Overall I can not recommend this book more. Collecting everything Topps put out with the original card set and more, this book has it all. So glad to have this in my collection, it is just what I needed.
Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 5.0 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Mars Attacks: 50th Anniversary Collection you can find it at

Decapitated Dan

Issue: Crawling Sky #1
Writer: Joe R. Lansdale, Keith Lansdale
Artist: Brian Denham
Publisher: Antarctic Press
Release Date: January 2013
“Horror novel legends Joe R. Lansdale and Keith Lansdale team up with Brian Denham (X-Files, Zombie Kid Diaries) and Antarctic Press to bring you a tale o’ terror set in the wild, weird West! When his dad accidentally commits murder, plug-ugly Norville had to flee with him to Texas to start a new life. Near the town of Wood Tick, Norville gets himself a bride, and they find a homestead, good as new but abandoned. The only problem is the well, which is blocked by big, white stones. One by one, he unblocks the well, unaware he’s slowly setting free something old and dark and evil…”
Dying Breath: 5.0 out of 5
Yes! The day has finally come when I get to lay my hand of this highly anticipated comic. For months I have patiently been waiting for this issue to come out, and it did not disappoint. The artwork by Denham is GOREgeous! These black and whites just shine on every page. On the few pages with no wording, his work just delivers everything the reader will need. I simply can not put enough praise into these words to explain how amazing the visuals are in this book. The story by the Lansdale’s is right on par with the artwork. In this issue they deliver this fantastic introduction to the cast, as well as create a suspenseful monster that has yet to be seen. I loved where this issue went, and can not wait to see where it is going. I’m not big on horror western comics, but when it is as perfectly as this, I am on board. The long wait for this to come out is finally over and it was worth it. Throw on your boots, get on your horse and get yer britches into your comic shop for this awesome first issue!
Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 5.0 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Crawling Sky you can find it at

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Issue: Crusades
Writer: Izu, Alex Nikolavitch
Artist: Zhang Xiaoyu
Publisher: Humanoids
Release Date: Oct. 2012
Price: $34.95
“An epic tale where history blends with fantasy to explosive and cinematic results. Follow the Knights Templar’s elite faction as they are sent on a secretive and perilous mission, a crusade to determine the true causes of the ‘Plague of Damietta.’ An all new take on the time of the Crusades brought to you by top European writing talent and promising new Chinese artistic voice, Zhang Xiaoyu.”
Dying Breath: 5.0 out of 5
I am starting to see a reoccurring theme when it comes to reviewing books from Humanoids, they are all freaking amazing! Crusades carries on this tradition by tackling a historical horror religious mystery story that left me wishing more was coming. The artwork by Xiaoyu is GORE-Geous. His panels flew off the pages and slapped me in the face on a continuous basis. With some of the cleanest, most detailed artwork I have seen in a while, this book is just visually stunning. Of course I have to mention his monsters and death scenes, because the made me weep with joy. The story crafted by Izu and Nikolavitch is not overpowered by the fantastic artwork either. Taking place during the time of the Crusades, a great mystery unravels through intense action scenes, legendary fights and some amazing character building. I honestly did not know what to expect from this book, but from what I read, I was as happy as a kid in a candy store. I never wanted to put the book down, and I was sad when it ended. While the story stakes place in the 13th century, it does leave its door open to a possible continuation in present day. I hope that day will come soon, because this book was beyond what I can even put into words. This book will appeal to horror, mystery, religion and history fans the most, but everyone should go check it out. Amazing, just flat-out amazing!
Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 5.0 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Crusades you can find it at

Decapitated Dan

Issue: Bedlam #1
Writer: Nick Spencer
Artist: Riley Rossmo
Publisher: Image
Release Date: October 2012
Price: $3.50
“Fillmore Press was once Madder Red, a homicidal maniac and criminal overlord who terrorized the town of Bedlam for years. Then he got better. This is what happens next.”
Dying Breath: 5.0 out of 5
OH… MY… (Insert deity of your choice here)!!! This book was everything I could have wanted, multiplied by 6,386,513.234 and then just keep adding on 10 more for every second for the rest of your life!!!!! I honestly can’t even think of where to begin describing how great this issue was. First of all it is a steal for only $3.50 because it has 48 pages, so make sure to pack a lunch when you sit down to read this one, because it is going to take some time. The artwork by Rossmo is GORE-Geous. Isn’t it funny how I ALWAYS say that about his artwork, I guess it is no surprise why he won a Ghastly Award for it in 2011. Every single page of this book looks great, but the opening scene had my eyes melting from their sockets, there was so much blood! He is so consistent from panel to panel, and his design for Madder Red made me want to make a Halloween costume right away. The story by Spencer is a nonstop fist pounding to your face. It grabbed me right from the start, then made me giggle with excitement as things built even more and by the end I was screaming in terror because it was over. I rarely say this when I look back in my brain on comics but, I recall this issue as if I was watching it on TV. The pacing and way that Nick presented this story was pure perfection. As a writer if you want to know how to grab readers and have them hooked from page 1, look no further than this issue. I loved how he did the dialogue of Madder Red, he is such an interesting mysterious character. In #1 I had no idea what is coming, and I really didn’t care because I knew it was going to be good. I will on this book like white on rice because the concept is great and the execution is even better. Lets all raise a glass and give 3 cheers to Riley and Nick for bringing this to our comic reading eyes! Go buy this book!
Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 5.0 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Bedlam #1 you can find it at

Decapitated Dan

Issue: Transfusion #1
Writer: Steve Niles
Artist: Menton3
Publisher: IDW
Release Date: October 2012
Price: $3.99
“In a future overrun by out-of-control machines and monsters, a handful of human survivors try to fight their way back to a normal life. But what is normal in a world where both monsters and machines need human blood? And which are the real bad guys?”
Dying Breath: 5.0 out of 5
Well I wasn’t expecting that! This issue just knocked my socks off, put them back on and then knocked them off again. The artwork by Menton3 is just GORE-Geous. I will admit that I love it when a page comes across as fully painted, more than when it does look a little more comic book like, but it is all amazing. I really enjoyed his bloody death scenes in this issue, and his characters are above and beyond what I could have wanted to see. The real win though goes to his color work. This is a drab, dark future and he nails that on every single page. The story by Niles was so unexpected. Sure I read the solicit, and had an idea about what I was about to get myself into, but I didn’t see this coming. I loved the double cross. Steve was able to give a great amount of build, and still leave enough mystery to make me have to come back for more. The pacing is great throughout the issue. I loved it so much I had to read it twice! I could make the easy pitch and say that anyone who is into robots and vampires needs to check this book out, but I would be lying. Everyone needs to check this book out. This was an amazing start and all I want to do is tell the world on how great this issue was. Thank you sirs, now give me another!
Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 5.0 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Transfusion you can find it at

Decapitated Dan

Issue: The Strain Vol. 1
Story By: Guillermo Del Toro, Chuck Hogan
Script By: David Lapham
Artist: Mike Huddleston
Publisher: Dark Horse
Release Date: Jan 2012
Pages: 152
Price: $19.99
“When a Boeing 777 lands at JFK International Airport and goes dark on the runway, the Centers for Disease Control, fearing a terrorist attack, calls in Dr. Ephraim Goodweather and his team of expert biological-threat first responders. Only an elderly pawnbroker from Spanish Harlem suspects a darker purpose behind the event—an ancient threat intent on covering mankind in darkness. Collects issues #1-#6 of the ongoing series.”
Dying Breath: 5.0 out of 5
There was a point in my life, oh lets say about a year ago, when I was sick of vampire comics. The typical blood sucker story seems to just get played out when done over and over again. Sure there is some good horror and gore in those books, but the stories are so blah and easily passable. Then I get this little catalog sent to my house called Previews, and I see the cover to The Strain #1 listed in it. I’m instantly thinking, “Great, here we go again.” Being a horror nut though, I check out issue #1, and wouldn’t you know it, my head fell off. That first issue had something new, something fresh and something I needed to enjoy a vampire comic again (seriously, the last one I really enjoyed was Devil from Dark Horse).
The artwork in this series is just drop dead GORE-Geous. I love the look of these creatures, and the way that they consume their meals. Huddleston never seems to miss a beat, as each and every panel shines! Of course some of that praise needs to be given to the amazing coloring work of Dan Jackson. I personally think that the “flatness” of the colored art is what makes it stand out to me. Sure there is some shadow work put in, but for the most part it is just flat and drab. This makes the cast stand out more, because they are not buried by layers of depth, and it also lends a hand to giving the book a good horror edge. The dullness of the colors plays creates the dark atmosphere that is needed to keep the reader terrified.
The story, which is also in prose form, I wish I had time to read it, is fun, horrific and original. There is a really great mystery to what is going on in these pages. I think that adds a lot to the horror aspects, and almost makes this book come off as much more cinematic as to how it plays out. I will say that this volume really showcases how to build a horror story. You start off with a great introduction to the most of the cast, but you have to wait a few issues to really know who the main vampire is. The back story on the vampire and his main rival is epic and tragic. I love how it plays out as a folk tale told by a grandmother come true. Lapham’s writing took hold of my mind from the very start and it has still not let go. The dialogue is great and the story is even greater.
Luckily for you, these first few issues are now in trade form, because I hated waiting for what was to come next. The Strain is a balls to the wall horror mystery that has no signs of slowing down. The creative is delivering issue after issue, and incase you missed those issues, this collection is what you need. If you are looking for something new and different in vampire comics, this book is it. This is a must have for your horror comic shelf.
Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 5.0 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about The Strain you can find it at

Decapitated Dan

Issue: Black Mass #1
Writers: David Sandoval, Adriana Mendoza
Artist: Stefano Cardoselli
Publisher: N.A.S. Studios
Release Date: September 2012
Price: $4.00
“Set in 1690 America before the Salem Witch Trails, Black Mass is a thrilling adventure about a young woman named Scarlett who is born with gifts considered by many to be a curse. During the course of 4 issues the reader will discover Scarlett’s powers as she unexpectedly wills it herself. The innocence is taken from her as death follows everywhere and more die. It begins to take its toll and leaves her with only one option, to take revenge . . .”
Dying Breath: 3.5 out of 5
Something strange is happening around these parts, and it is up to David Sandoval, Adriana Mendoza and Stefano Cardoselli to help me as a reader figure out what that is. The concept of what is happening here is really intriguing, but I did find a few things that stood in the way of the overall execution. The artwork by Stefano looks great throughout the book, but I did find a panel or two where things came off as muddled a little confusing. I really liked that there were no graytones used here, because I think that the use of just black and white showcased his artwork that much more. The story has a really great horror mystery to it, but the dialogue did have a few choppy moments. Overall though it didn’t take away anything from the story, it just took a little more deciphering on my part. Sandoval and Mendoza were able to give this issue a great solid ending that will easily have me coming back for more. I really think this story has something good going for it, but there are a few things that could use a little touching up in future issues. So I expect that when issue #2 comes out, this one will jump up to at least a Dying Breath of 4.5.
Artwork: 4.0 out of 5 • Story: 3.5 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Black Mass you can find it at

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Issue: Tara Normal #1
Writer: Howie Noel
Artist: Howie Noel
Release Date: October 2012
Price: $4.99
“Tara Normal is a beautiful female ghost hunter who was born with the ability to see and speak to ghosts. She’s also trained to fight them, if necessary. All of her skills and training will be tested when the stars of TV’s hot, new paranormal reality show, Ghost Soldiers, investigate the most haunted asylum in history, St. Catherine’s of Siena. The ghosts in this asylum aren’t looking to just scare Tara and the Ghost Soldiers, they’re looking to destroy them and steal their souls. She’ll prove the existence of spirits and change the world forever.”
Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
“Oh S#*@! That dudes face just melted off!” The was one of the few times I found myself just yelling in excitement at what I was reading in this awesome first issue of Tara Normal. The opening scene introduces us to Tara, as she shows off her abilities to see and talk to the dead. This is a great introduction to readers on what the series is going to be based on, because of what will come next in the story. Following a reality TV crew as they enter into a haunted Asylum, things quickly go wrong. I really enjoyed the dialogue and buildup of the events, but I did think at times it came off a little to B-Movie. However, the read was still really enjoyable. I think that artwork really lends itself nicely to the playfulness of the story. Noel does a GORE-Geous job of showing a few deaths, one of which is totally a horrific moment. A great use of colors just makes these pages pop, but again I go back to how great it made the death scenes look. This issue does a great job of setting things up for what is to come. It has some great humor, just wait for the van scene, but also does a fantastic job of capturing the some great horror comic moments. If you are lucky enough to be at New York Comic Con this year go grab this one. If you can’t make the show go to the website and order one, because this book is only going to get better and better. This was an awesome start to this series.
Artwork: 4.5 out of 5 • Story: 4.0 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Tara Normal you can find it at

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Issue: Risher #1
Writer: P.H. Dillard
Artist: Tamas Szalkai
Release Date: October 2012
Price: $x.xx
“This first part of the saga is guaranteed to suck you in and not let go. You will be introduced to our lead character and a couple of his previous alter egos. Ever wonder what happened to Jack the Ripper or the Axeman of New Orleans? Find out in this issue. You will also meet Karvos, the man hellbent on stopping the murderous Demetrius Risher, and a few other interesting characters the likes of which you will not find anywhere else. BONUS-this issue features an exclusive statement from none other than the Son of Sam himself, David Berkowitz. What more could you want from a serial killer comic?”
Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5
Now there are two things that are always missing from horror comics that I am always calling out for, Mummies and Serial Killers. With that being said, they are also two of the hardest things to write. P.H. Dillard took this challenge and wrote Risher, a comic about a serial killer that has lasted throughout the years. I will not go into spoiling anything when it comes to the story, but I will say this, damn that was refreshing! The artwork by Szalkai, is GORE-Geous. Matter of fact, I will admit that I joined on to the Kickstarter campaign just to see it in person. He does a great job on consistency and tone. This is a black and white book that just shines. The story by Dillard is really interesting. Again I am not going to go into detail, but I will say that I love the concept about the killer being around for a long time. The dialogue was good, but there was one or two rough spots. For a first time comic writer he seems to have a good grasp on how to deliver a solid story to the reader. I was interested before starting it, and by the end I was just hooked and wanting more. When it seems that most Horror Comics these days are only really covering the same zombie survival story, or a vampire love tale, it is so great to see something come out and be so against the grain. I highly enjoyed this book, and can not wait to see how far it can go. If you are looking to stray away from the horror norms these days, then look no further.
Artwork: 4.5 out of 5 • Story: 4.5 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Risher you can find it at

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Issue: Haunted Horror #1
Creators: Various
Editors: Craig Yoe, Steve Banes, Clizia Gussoni
Publisher: IDW
Release Date: October 2012
Price: $3.99
“A comic so good it’s…SCARY! Imagine you were a kid in the 1950s reading contraband horror comics under the bed covers by flashlight! You were devouring the very comic books you parents, your teachers and anti-comics crusader Dr. Fredric Wertham were trying to keep out of your hands! Now you can recreate that same experience, because the comics that were banned are back in actual comic-book format! The people that brought you Dick Briefer’s Frankenstein, Bob Powell’s Terror and Zombies are now producing a comic book series filled with the best of worst vintage horror comics that will rot your mind! Don’t dare miss the first issue of Scary from the Chilling Archives of Horror Comics fiends!“
Dying Breath: 5.0 out of 5
Are you new to horror comics? Have you ever wondered why most people who like horror comics always say the books of the past were better or had a different feel to them? Haunted Horrors #1, which is brought to us by the same great editing team as Chilling Archives Zombies, is the perfect way to find out why people say such great things about old school horror comics. Now keep in mind there is really nothing new in this book, other than the amazing Horror Host, Forelock the Warlock, who has a slight resemblance to editor Craig Yoe. The talent in this collection is amazing, with work from Jack Kirby, C.A. Winters, Bernard Baily, Mike Sekowsky, Bill Walton, Joe Simon, Jack Cole, and the man who seriously stole the show, Jay Disbrow. With 52 pages in this book, you could estimate it taking 30 or so minutes to read, but you would be wrong. We are talking old school horror here, so these stories are wordy, and packed with a punch. ‘The Constant Eye’ is a story that just creeped me out. The fact that he was always being watched, just left this uneasy feeling lingering over me. I always thought that older horror stories had a moral limit, meaning they ended with a finger waving at yhe audience, that was until i read ‘Slaughter-house!’ Simon and Kirby delivered on this story, it could easily scare the crap out of someone today, and the ending was so unexpected and yet so real. The final thing I really have to touch on is creator Jay Disbrow. His story ‘Ultimate Destiny’ was the perfect choice to have end this book. All you have to do is look at the final page and you will buy this just to find out what is going on, on that page. Typically if you want to get reprints of Pre-code Horror you need to pay $35 – $50 for a hardcover collection. IDW and Yoe Books say screw that, here are 52 GORE-Geous pages for only $3.99. Put down that crossover book that won’t mean anything tomorrow and spend your hard earned money on something that is a timeless classic. I praise these guys for collecting these stories for preservation and to bring them to a new generation. Do not miss this series!
Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 5.0 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Haunted Horror you can find it at

Decapitated Dan

Issue: Rebel Blood TPB
Writer: Alex Link, Riley Rossmo
Artist: Riley Rossmo
Publisher: Image Comics
Release Date: September 2012
Pages: 128
Price: $14.99
“A virus has created a wilderness of blood-thirsty creatures standing between you and your family. You don’t know if you can save them in time, or if you’ve even got the strength to try. But you’re about to find out. In a world of ravenous creatures it doesn’t matter who you used to be. Today you’re lunch.”
Dying Breath: 5.0 out of 5
Nope, no way. There is absolutely no way I could have seen that coming, and that is why this book is getting a perfect score. Rebel Blood seemed to be heading down a nice little path of typical horror storytelling and then it took a right at the light. When this series was coming out as single issues I always found myself saying “I have to re-read the last issue to see how this plays into what is going on.” So sure this was fun as a mini, but it is Killer as a collected. As usual I am going to do some gushing about Rossmo’s GORE-Geous artwork. His characters designs are solid and consistent, his monsters/zombies are ahh-mazing, but there was something very special that made what he did in this book stand out. Riley was able to really capture cartoon-like animation on a comic book page a few times in this series. He did this by not breaking up panels with gutters, but instead continued visually telling the story in the same panel. He was able to instruct my eyes where to go next, without the typical comic breaks, and that is why this was so well done. The story I have already kind of touched on, but I want to come back to it. The idea really did seem to be straight forward, survive the zombie madness and everything will be okay. However throughout the book, there are these little sneak peaks into the main characters brain. As the story progresses you really begin to wonder about his sanity, and then BAM, in your face plot twist that makes this book a solid 5. I loved this book, there is no way around that. I think what Rossmo and Link were able to do here will be talked about for years to come. When the horror genre is filled with some typical zombie survival stories, which are great, it is always nice to see a team bring something new and fresh to the table. At $14.99 this book is a steal, so make sure to add it to your collection, you will be glad you did.
Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 5.0 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Rebel Blood you can find it at