March 11th, 2013 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews, Graphic Novels & Comics |

Crawling Sky #1 – Review

by Decapitated Dan

Issue: Crawling Sky #1
Writer: Joe R. Lansdale, Keith Lansdale
Artist: Brian Denham
Publisher: Antarctic Press
Release Date: January 2013

“Horror novel legends Joe R. Lansdale and Keith Lansdale team up with Brian Denham (X-Files, Zombie Kid Diaries) and Antarctic Press to bring you a tale o’ terror set in the wild, weird West! When his dad accidentally commits murder, plug-ugly Norville had to flee with him to Texas to start a new life. Near the town of Wood Tick, Norville gets himself a bride, and they find a homestead, good as new but abandoned. The only problem is the well, which is blocked by big, white stones. One by one, he unblocks the well, unaware he’s slowly setting free something old and dark and evil…”

Dying Breath: 5.0 out of 5
Yes! The day has finally come when I get to lay my hand of this highly anticipated comic. For months I have patiently been waiting for this issue to come out, and it did not disappoint. The artwork by Denham is GOREgeous! These black and whites just shine on every page. On the few pages with no wording, his work just delivers everything the reader will need. I simply can not put enough praise into these words to explain how amazing the visuals are in this book. The story by the Lansdale’s is right on par with the artwork. In this issue they deliver this fantastic introduction to the cast, as well as create a suspenseful monster that has yet to be seen. I loved where this issue went, and can not wait to see where it is going. I’m not big on horror western comics, but when it is as perfectly as this, I am on board. The long wait for this to come out is finally over and it was worth it. Throw on your boots, get on your horse and get yer britches into your comic shop for this awesome first issue!

Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 5.0 out of 5

If you would like to buy or know more about Crawling Sky you can find it at

by Decapitated Dan

Theatre of Terror

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