June 19th, 2013 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews |
Horror Comic Roundup – 5/28/13
by Decapitated DanWelcome to the Horror Comic Roundup! Join Decapitated Dan, Billy Dunleavy and friends each week as they review new and old Horror Comics that you will either be dying to read or terrified to check out!
Crossed Badlands #28 (Avatar Press)
Decapitated Dan: Since it’s original run, I’ve always had a soft spot for Crossed when Garth writes it, so there was no way I was going to miss out on this 4 issue arc. The way this all came together and play out, was fantastic. Yes it’s Crossed so you can expect visuals that are seriously not going to appeal to everyone, but being able to see past that and enjoy a well crafted story is worth it. It’s tough to say this isn’t a respectful love story with how it ended, but it seriously bordered on some good bromance, and that is why it was such a great arc. I loved it all, and this issue brought it all together. Good art, great story, fantastic issue. Dying Breath 4.5 out of 5.0
The Deep Sea (Dark Horse)
Billy Dunleavy: Lots of good names attached to this book (Jimmy Palmiotti, Tony Akins, etc.) so it seems as if it would be a “can’t miss”. Well, it was a pretty good story, and although there are a lot of loose ends, hopefully we’ll get more someday. Being a one shot might turn people off if there’s no more in sight. It didn’t really have an ending. The artwork was good, especially the scene where the beast began ripping the crew to shreds! The book felt like a Peter Benchley book mixed with the movie Aliens. Overall decent but if it won’t be continued, not a must buy either. Rating 3/5
Dia de Los Muertos #3 (Image)
Decapitated Dan: I have loved every issue of this mini anthology series so far, but #3 has to be my favorite. First thing I need to say is, Riley you are a F☠☠☠ing Machine! The artwork in this issue shines on the very first story by Rossmo and Grecian. There are no words, but holy hell that story was awesome, and the most “horror” of the bunch. The second story by Wiebe is sad and very heartfelt, it will pull at your black heart strings. Then when you come to the final story by Keatinge, you see how far outside the box someone can think. It was such an off the wall fun adventure, and yet played right into the same theme, yet Riley’s art was so different. This issue, and this series was such a fun take on a central theme. While it wasn’t always horror, it was ALWAYS a perfect read! Dying Breath 4.5 out of 5.0
Five Ghosts: The Haunting of Fabian Gray #3 (Image)
Billy Dunleavy: This series has been totally awesome (in my best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles voice)! It moves rather quickly but it has to for a mini-series. There’s nothing preventing you from absorbing it all though, as the lead character displays his five different powers that he has at his disposal. Last issue though, his vampiric powers spun out of control, and he was knocked out by a mysterious ally that seems to have some common interests (or enemies) with Fabian. There’s also an even vaguer villain that wants to kill Gray, and has some extraordinary abilities himself. Along with a network of spies and cohorts to do his bidding! This book has an Immortal Iron Fist vibe to it, and anyone that has read that series (Brubaker & Fraction) can attest to its fantastic ability to showcase a new world that was never before seen. Writer Frank J. Barbiere and artist Chris Mooneyham are knocking it out of the park with this mystical noir book! Rating 4.5/5
Ghostbusters #4 (IDW)
Decapitated Dan: Okay wait… there are new Ghostbusters? Nice! While I didn’t read #1-3 of this series, I honestly felt that #4 was safe. There is a recap explaining what was up, minus the new team members, and everything else just played out so it made sense. I love the banter between the original 4, but having new members be involved, who pretty much have another dynamic on how to run things makes this more entertaining. I love the 2 GB movies, but I was more of a cartoon fan, and Schoening’s style really hits that same vibe for me. This issue was fun, and it had a really creepy moment with the possessed crazy guy, and overall it was just a great read. I can tell you this, I don’t plan on missing another new issue any time soon. Dying Breath 4.0 out of 5.0
GFT Werewolves: The Hunger #1 of 3 (Zenescope)
Billy Dunleavy: Mark Miller has done this genre before, and that was a pretty good effort (Luna: Order of the Werewolf), but this one seemed slightly better due to its cinematic style. It was a bit like a movie most have probably seen, but it still had some great moments of horror that everybody loves to see. A specific scene with some young adults around a campfire that get slashed apart by the werewolf was outstanding! A solid story with artwork to match, and hopefully more of this to come in later issues. Rating 3.5/5
The Last Zombie: Before the After #5 (Antarctic Press)
Decapitated Dan: Holy ☠☠☠☠! This series just keeps getting better and better with every issue and man, this issue delivered on every level. Keene is giving me one hell of a story, and while the recap covers so much of what came before, you need to go back and read it all. The internal drama of the group is about to come to big turning point, and then BAM, another twist! I was actually sad to see that Perry was not the artist to finish off this arc, but having Hutchison finish it was perfect. Also let me add in some brownie points for mentioning my home town of Joliet! Words can barely do this story justice, and for those who have been onboard for the whole ride so far you know it will only get better from here. Perfect on all fronts! Dying Breath 5.0 out of 5.0
Revival #10 (Image)
Billy Dunleavy: Alright, this series was good for the first five issues or so, but I lost interest nonetheless. Picking up issue ten left me slightly in the dark about some of the characters and the situation with the aliens (or whatever they are). The moments with the sisters are still very good, but the scenes with the redneck townspeople are very cliché, and if that’s what has been the status quo since I last read this, then that can’t be good. The artwork by Mike Norton is absolutely fabulous, and carries the issue, no doubt about that. Seeley really should have just made this a mini-series that wrapped up after eight issues or so, because it seems kind of stale now. Rating 2.5/5
The Sixth Gun #31 (Oni Press)
Decapitated Dan: Well I gotta be honest, I am way behind on my Sixth Gun reading, but I don’t want to let another issue get past my eyes. So entering into this issue, I’m about 10 issues behind, but that didn’t really matter too much. The recap page does an amazing job of at least catching me up on what is going on in this awesome issue. As usual this creative team does not miss a beat. Bunn is still crafting an amazing story and the visuals by Hurtt just leave me wanting to see more and more. Yeah I missed some story, but having an issue like this be so interesting and entertains, it just makes me have to go back and get caught up! Dying Breath 4.0 out of 5.0
Über #1 (Avatar)
Decapitated Dan: I’m not going to lie, I was sold on this book from just reading the solicit, and I had no idea how it was going to play out. Is it horror in general terms, no, but it is a really cool concept that can easily put the fear into you of what possibly could have been. I also like the idea of the American Forces not being involved yet, just German and British. Gillen’s writing, and short story after the comic, gives American readers another perspective of how the was itself was perceived. I love that about how this issue played out. The artwork by White is solid throughout, and really shines with the help of Digikore Studios, especially in the big 2 page spread of carnage and chaos. This issue was a great start, and I can not wait to read more! Dying Breath 4.5 out of 5.0
Wulf and Batsy: Scarifying Tales #1 (Asylum Press/Crypt Logic)
Decapitated Dan: You know how good it feels to have two of your best friends come into town and party it up for a night? That’s what it’s like for me when I get to read new Wulf and Batsy stories. Bryan Baugh delivers once again with these two misunderstood monsters in three short stories. The first short story has to be my favorite of the bunch. It really captured the spirit of W&B, with a great mix of gorey goodness. The second short has the perfect werewolf transformation take place, and it even has a message of not judging a book by its cover. The final short is by far the funniest of the bunch. Baugh’s art and stories are just a solid constant in these hit and miss comic times. His work should be read by all, and your doing yourself a big disservice by not checking it out. Dying Breath 5.0 out of 5.0
by Decapitated Dan

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