October 17th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews |

Trench Coats, Cigarettes & Shotguns #1 – Review

by Decapitated Dan

Issue: Trench Coats, Cigarettes & Shotguns #1
Writer: Chuck Brown
Artist: Philip Neudorf (A), Nat Jones (C)
Publisher: Asylum Press
Release Date: 2012
Price: $0.99 (digital)

“In a world filled with mech-wielding gangsters, demonic Mafioso and demons that run wild on earth, a mysterious hitman named Trypp only relies on three things — his trench coat, cigarettes and shotguns.”

Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
I ask myself, just based on this title alone, what is there not to like? Nothing, I like trench coats, cigarettes and shotguns, so how on Earth could this book not entertain me? The artwork by Neudorf is great, and it was all summed up at the very end in a GORE-Geous decapitation scene. Of course I am going to point that out, why wouldn’t I. What I liked most about this art style was that it all seemed to be done on wood, using paint. I really enjoyed his technique. There were some panels where I found things to be a little to jumbled, but if you stare at it, you can figure it out just fine. The story by Brown is really interesting. There seems to be an influential mix of Hellblazer, the Darkness and (insert a detective comic here) in the concept behind this book. The mix plays out very well as the issue goes on and you can consider me intrigued to be on board for more. There were some scenes though, where I thought that the pacing was a little off. Overall this was a great first issue. There was plenty of story build with some great intense action. I plan on being on board for this whole run, and you should be too. This was a great start.

Artwork: 4.0 out of 5 • Story: 4.0 out of 5

Trenchcoats, Cigarettes and Shotguns will be available on Comixology, Comics Plus (Iverse), Graphicly and MyDigitalComics.com. The digital comic will also be available as a stand alone ebook on KindleFire, Nook, Kobo, Ibookstore, and Googlebooks.

by Decapitated Dan

Theatre of Terror

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