May 11th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews |
Rebel Blood #2 – Review
by Decapitated DanIssue: Rebel Blood #2
Writer: Alex Link, Riley Rossmo
Artist: Riley Rossmo
Publisher: Image Comics
Release Date: April 2012
Pages: 28
Price: $3.50
“A mysterious infection is sweeping the land turning animals and people into blood-crazed killers! The food supply is dwindling…and you’re on the menu! How bad can things get? You’re about to find out!”
Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5
Rats, the issue ended! Rats, are eating away at his flesh! Rat’s I need more of this series now! Riley and Alex are back with issue #2 or this Zombie-rific story and it just blows the doors off the horror comic book world. It is no surprise to me that Riley won the Ghastly Award for best artist of 2011. He shows off his skills in this issue so perfectly because even the rats creep me out. The nail in the coffin to getting a perfect score though is the way he depicts certain action scenes. Seeing a car on one page travel down a road, but being drawn 5 times and all highlighted makes this an animation sequence. Even the scene where the truck flips, just GORE-Geous. The story in this issue takes a little turn from how it was told in the first issue. With issue #1, there was a good amount of jumping back and forth to tell some back story on top of the “live” events. In this issue it’s almost all centered on current happenings, and only takes a look back once, for a nice change of pace. The dialogue is great from page to page, but it doesn’t live up to the same level as the art in this issue. I don’t want this series to end. I think that there is so much to explore within this world and it ALL needs to be presented, even if it is just to me. This book is a balls to the wall horror mystery, a serious must read!
Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 4.0 out of 5
If you would like to buy or know more about Rebel Blood you can find it at
by Decapitated Dan

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