June 24th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Decapitated Dan Reviews |

Enormous #1 – Review

by Decapitated Dan

Issue: Enormous #1
Writer: Tim Daniel
Artist: Mehdi Cheggour
Publisher: Image Comics
Release Date: July 2012
Price: $9.99

“In the midst of a planetary battle for food and fuel, a vast ecological cataclysm spawns THE ENORMOUS, massive beasts unlike anything ever witnessed. Humankind struggles to stave off extinction and the only law is to hunt or be hunted. It’s an epic action adventure featuring the survival of the biggest!”

Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5
What is this ENORMOUS book in front of me? Seriously this thing is larger than a typical comic, which is fitting since it is called Enormous. If you are waiting for the next BIG thing to come from Image, you need to look no further than this title. The pages in this book are all so god damn GORE-Geous, that my eyes melted from their sockets. Cheggour brings so much life to every single panel, that I am honestly guessing it took him 3 years to complete this book. Page after page this book sings the visual music that my eyes crave. The monsters alone are enough to give this book a solid 5 on the artwork. The story done by Daniel is also something to behold. His pacing is fantastic, and he has a great feel for writing action scenes. While the book is only 64 pages, it is so full of story. You can easily take this book as a one and done, but you won’t want to. This universe has so much more exploration has to be done to it. I need to know where the cast will go from here, more exploration in to why things are they way they are and a whole HELL of a lot more monsters killing things. There was nothing to not be enjoyed in this issue. Page after page this will satisfy monster, horror and survival fans. Buy it, buy it, BUY IT!

Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 4.5 out of 5

If you would like to buy or know more about Enormous you can find it at http://www.imagecomics.com

by Decapitated Dan

Theatre of Terror

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