May 21st, 2011 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Graphic Novels & Comics |

10 Top Horror Comic Logos

by Ghastly McNasty

Step right this way for The Theatre of Terror’s 10 Top Horror Comic Logos. Yes, we have been very busy down here in the depths and have collected together a fangtastic selection of horror comic signage. This list brings together logos from across the history of horror comics. The selection was chosen based on style, font, overall look and the cultural significance at the time it was released.

1. Tales From The Crypt
Tales From The Crypt
There are few horror comic logos that opitimise the very essence of the horror genre and this classic logo from EC. Comic’s Tales from the Crypt pretty much defines horror comics and sets the standard to which all other strive to achieve. A worthy victor.


2. The Tomb of Dracula
The Tomb of Dracula
Marvel Comic’s The Tomb of Dracula is rated by many as the best horror comic of it’s generation. Thankfully it has a beautifully crafted logo to match.


3. 30 Days of Nights
30 Days of Nights
This logo has a sinister beauty to it.


4. Ghostly Tales
Ghostly Tales Logo
Ghostly Tales was published by Charlton Comics and ran from 1966 to 1984. It’s a simple logo with just a hint of ghostly quivering. Delicious.


5. Flinch
Flinch Logo
Vertigo’s turn of the century horror anthology looks fairly normal until you reach the scrawled ‘N’ in the middle. It looks out of place, scrawled and scary. It’s a clever trick and is very unnerving for the reader.


6. Locke and Key
Locke and Key Logo
Neat logo for this modern horror comic hit.


7. Vampirella
Vampirella Logo
The hottest vamp in comic history has a massive and loyal fan following. Just like the lady herself the Vampirella logo oozes class.


8. Swamp Thing
Swamp Thing Logo
This logo looks like it’s just dragged itself straight out of the swamp. Thing shaped as well. Creepy!


9. Dogwitch
Dogwitch Logo
Exiled fetish-witch superstar Violet Grimm’s logo is the brain child of Dan Schaffer and thrilled gothic horror fans from 2002-2005.


10. Tales of the Zombie
Tales of the Zombie Logo
Wobbly letters with a hint of Voodoo. Lovely stuff!

by Ghastly McNasty

Theatre of Terror

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