April 3rd, 2015 | → 2 Comments | ∇ Blah |
Hallowscream! Scareific Seventh Issue Submission Guidelines
by M.I.K.We at Back From The Depths are once again looking for contributors for our freaky free, annual pdf horror comic, HALLOWSCREAM.
Submissions should be horror orientated and must be weird or spooky to make the final cut.
We are mainly looking for completed comic strips between 1-7 pages in length. Anything already completed is far more likely to make it into the comic.
Script submissions should also preferably be around 1-7 pages in length.
Eerie illustrations and artwork along with interesting horror/comic articles, scary short stories, petrifying poems or anything just plain creepy will also be considered.
To get an idea of the sort of stuff we’re after, you can download previous issues of Hallowscream here.
If you’re looking to illustrate something, get in contact and we’ll give you details of available scripts to see if anything suits your fancy.
We’ll also consider material previously published elsewhere, as long as the contributors own the copyright.
Completed artwork can be either colour or black and white, and should preferably be A4 (21cm x 29.7cm) 300 dpi jpeg or png.
Submissions can be sent to merjeagles@yahoo.co.uk or ghastlymcnasty@backfromthedepths.co.uk
As this is a non-profit, small press publication, contributors will not be paid but they will retain copyright on any material submitted.
Scripts, articles and text submissions : Sunday 26th July
Artwork : Sunday 4th October
Completed strips : Sunday 25th October.
The finished issue will be available online as a free pdf by October 31st, with a physical copy becoming available via Lulu.com, shortly afterwards. You can also keep up to date with Hallowscream news via the Facebook Page.
by M.I.K.

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Hey guys! How’s the hallowscream issue 7 coming along? Always look forward to it and it’s always a treat! 🙂 Been away a while with “life” but always check in every once in a while to see what you’re all up to! 🙂
All the best, keep the scream alive!
Donks 🙂
Life? Don’t talk to me about life…
Salutations, Mr. Spank. The latest issue is coming along very nicely, (if that’s a suitable adverb for such a thing).